To be good do good

To receive good, be good

To be good most of all be just

It is unjust to have more than you need while others have less than they need for no fault of their own

If we are not making the world better we are partly guilty in making it worse and are recivers who do not give

The greatest good we can do is improve the world spiritually because spiritual illness is responsible for most of the world's misfortune.

To improve the world spiritually we must improve ourselves spiritually

To improve spiritually we must not be slaves to material and physical things.

The five books of Moses are the purest and greatest holy writings

Anyone who says otherwise should not be listed to or encouraged

Anyone who denies justice is the same

Anyone who condones worshipping other Gods is the same

Anyone who condones praying to or through idols is the same

Anyone who condones theft is the same

Anyone who condones adultery is the same

Anyone who condones sodomy is the same

Anyone who condones sourcery is the same

Anyone who does not accept the sanctity of Human life is the same

Anyone who condones incest is the same

Anyone who condones tearing flesh from a living animal is the same

Anyone who curses Abraham is the same

Anyone who condones cross dressing is the same

No others should be called a heretic

Every day recite a psalm and read a proverb

Jesus was conceived by the female aspect of God from the seed of David and transplanted to Mary

The Gospel of John should be regarded as apocryphal

St Paul was a deciver, who lied in the cause of holiness

Salvation is possible without Jesus, but it was not at the time because nobody was enlightened

God's laws echo throughout creation

Traditions are formed in part by providence and should not be taken lightly

Every nation has it's guardian angels

God's angels travel the world

The seeds of Satan are planted everywhere

Malaria Consortium