
Poincaré disk

This realm it is deadly to enter unguarded and alone, those that try will stray and get lost forever.

Seeing only what they understand, but understanding is not a substitute for sight, in this realm the only sight is wisdom.

Wisdom that cannot be attained.

So to venture this way, we must go blindly.

In exile from our native home, driven by the march of progress and by greed, or other oppressors, or even by our own urge to roam.

Walking routes that may lead us to madness or into a deception, that may unbalance our humours, take our lives, exhaust our strength then take us back to where we came from.

The blind man must rely on the little sight he has and on his other senses.

Those who came before created guides for us.

What are the guides that are best to follow?

By the fruits of their prophets shall ye know them as Jesus said.

These guides as you might realise may be difficult and incomplete.

So let us set forth hand in hand, so that if one might stumble another may lift them.

Let us go as knights, because the journey is perilous.

Let's make each other's fantasies our own, so they all are anchored to each other's and do not become madness, because though one person's reason may fail in one aspect there should be others who are in that way sound.

Let us have no mere mortal to dictate to us but a king who inhabits and knows this realm and may welcome us.

Let us find and resurrect King Arthur!


What came first the chicken or the egg?

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